Home / Molecular Laboratory Equipments / Gel Document Imaging System / Automatic Gel Imaging and Analysis System BK-AG100

Automatic Gel Imaging and Analysis System BK-AG100


High-resolution CMOS camera, high sensitivity, high resolution, with automatic focus and high performance 6 times len, specialized filter for nucleic acid dye.

Automatic Gel Imaging and Analysis System

Specialized overlay glue cutting filter, compared with the traditional one, it has many advantages, easy to operate, can prevent UV and blue light damage, no need to operate in dark room, work ver y well under strong light condition The white light sample plate is used for SDS -PAGE glue samples shooting.

Automatic Gel Imaging and Analysis System


It can be used to do nucleic acid test for various fluorescent dyes, such as EB, SYBRGold, SYBR Green, SYBR Safe,Gel Red Gel GreenTexas, Red, Fluorescein marked DNA/RNA.

Automatic Gel Imaging and Analysis System

Technical Parameters:

Exposure Time1 ms-3000ms
QE ValueHigh QE: >65%
Bit Depth16 bit ( 0 65535)
OD>4.8 OD
LensMotorized 8-48 mm, F1.2
Trans-WhiteUV to white sample plate
Filters590nm, Others for option
UV Area21*21cm
Timing Off1~60 mins
Power Supply100-240V, 50/60HZ
Packing Size460*475*725mm
Gross Weight31kg

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